Wednesday, June 30, 2010

10 things teachers should know how to do with technology

After giving this topic some thought, I came up with my list of things that teachers should know how to do with technology to make the most of e-learning.

Teachers should be able to:

1. create and utilize web 2.0 tools such as blogs and wikis.
2. subscribe to blogs using RSS feeds.
3. embed pictures/videos.
4. leave comments and reply to them.
5. search the web using boolean search terms.
6. use social bookmarking.
7. add attachments (pictures, documents, etc)in email.
8. use tags to organize content.
9. use a variety of google applications including GoogleDoc, GoogleMap, and GoogleTranslate.
10. capture images and videos and upload them.

In my opinion, these 10 things are the basics that teachers should know how to do to be an effective teacher in the 21st century classroom.


  1. You have a very complete list and I agree with all of the things you have included. Do you think it is the job of the teacher to learn how to do it all on their own, or should it be the job of the school to teacher them? I'm pretty sure my school has never offered any sessions on blogging, wikis, downloading, setting up RSS feeds, etc. If they did, maybe it would encourage teachers to learn more on their own.

  2. I think the teachers should be taught and be trained on how to effectively utilized these tools. As we know, teachers don't have enough time to be exploring these tools on their own, without proper guidance. The schools should invest in training teachers.

  3. I agree with your list. I especially think it is important for teachers to become familiar with all of the Google Tools (#9 on your list). There is so much out there that many people don't know about. It wasn't really until earlier this year that I really took the time to explore all of the Google tools and realized how many applications they have. Google Docs and Forms and so useful as collaboration tools. They are all so user friendly and easy to learn!

    I also agree it would be great if schools offered trainings on these topics.

  4. good list. i agree with using google applications. i never used them prior to our first class and i think they can be really useful when implemented effectively.
